Art fest for kiddies

SGTSVN School students and teachers organized an art fest for encouraging the talents of near by play schools and Anganwadis. Through the program named "Little Champs" childrenwere requested to send videos of competition items like, action songs,storytelling and coloring. This helped to reach out to more students in thenearby areas. The prizes were distributed to winners on children’s day ,November 14th 2021

Competitive Exam

Competitive Exam Children from VVBHSS & SGTSVN participatedin the competitive exams conducted by Dream Them Future Academy in the last academic year. It was a new venture started by GBT to improve the competitive skills of the students. Our students from both the schools performed well and came out with flying color

Swami jayanthi Celebration

The birthday of SAMPOOJYA SWAMI GOPALANANDA THEERTHA, the founder of GB Trust, is celebrated every year in theSchools. Swamy Jayanthi was observed in both schools this year in humble way due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Poojas were conducted at theSamadhi. Swami Purandarananda lit the Deepa Sikha at Swamiji's samadhi and brought to VVBHS and placed at the statue. Board of Trustees, staff members and PTA members attended the function.

International Yoga Day

International Yoga Day Teaching and practising of yoga continued even during the pandemic period in all schools. Teachers sent regularvideo clippings to students and made them practice it at home. Yoga day was observered in virtual platform on 21-06-2021 with yogacharya Mr.Sajeevan as chief guest at VVBHSS